"🤖The Future of Work: 9 Jobs at Risk Of Extinction Due to AI"

AI Empowerment - Shaping Tomorrow's Workforce

Hello AI Enthusiasts 👋

In today's briefing, we're diving into the transformative impact of AI on the future of work. Let's break it down:

  • Who: AI Enthusiasts, Professionals, Job Seekers

  • What: Unveiling the Top 10 Jobs at Risk of Disappearing Due to AI

  • When: Now and the foreseeable future

  • Where: Across industries globally

  • Why: To navigate the changing landscape of employment and prepare for the AI-driven future

Story Highlights

  1. 🤖 These days without encountering artificial intelligence, What the metaverse was in 2022, AI is shaping up to be this year: the technological innovation that promises—or threatens—to reshape how we live.

  2. AI is expected to pack a much bigger punch, AI is no more in the future, Its NOW. Some liken it to the automation surge of the past few decades, where entire industries were transformed by robotics and self-operating machines.

  3. Artificial intelligence holds the same potential for white-collar jobs, with a recent Goldman Sachs report suggesting it could replace 300 million human workers. Here are 10 occupations that AI could render obsolete.

1) Accounts

📊 "AI is reshaping accounting: fewer human tasks, more oversight as automation takes the lead." 🤖

  1. 🔄 The next phase in AI model development involves training more specialized programs. Instead of broad data sets, these programs will follow targeted pathways.

  2. 💼 One promising direction is to create AI capable of handling basic accounting tasks. Accountancy, with its clear, rule-based nature, is perfect for training AI algorithms.

  3. 📊 Companies like Sage are already leveraging AI to automate accounting processes. As algorithms improve in stability and reliability, tasks needing human intervention will decrease.

  4. 🤖 Automation will phase out entry-level accounting positions, leaving auditors and overseers to verify the accuracy of AI-generated outputs.

2) Content Moderators

🤖 "AI easing content moderation burdens: fewer manual decisions, more accuracy for a safer online community." 📷

  1. 📝 Much has been discussed about the emotional toll on content moderators in social networks like Facebook and X. They shift through distressing content to shield us from it.

  2. 🤖 AI algorithms prescreen a significant portion of this content, but the ultimate decision often falls on a human.

  3. 🔄 As these algorithms advance, the need for manual decisions will decline naturally. AI accuracy will soar.

  4. 😔 While we never wish for job loss, reducing the number of people tasked with this distressing curation is ultimately beneficial.

3) Legal Assistants

⚖️ "AI in courtrooms? While some debate its readiness, lower-tier law roles may shift as machines master legal research." 🤖📚

  1. 🤖 Some propose the idea of AI presenting cases in court, but we're skeptical any algorithm is courtroom-ready—let alone finding a client brave enough to agree.

  2. 💼 However, junior roles at law firms could feel the squeeze as lawyers witness AI's proficiency in analyzing case law to generate summaries and citations.

  3. 📚 Every trial relies on identifying historical precedents, a task machines excel at. While interpretation remains, senior team members could handle this aspect.


🖋️ "ChatGPT excels in generating text, but its quality may vary. However, as a proofreader after human writing, AI could shine. 🤖✨”

  1. 🤖 ChatGPT's ability to generate text is evident, but the quality can sometimes be lacking.

  2. 📝 However, after human input, AI can serve as a valuable proofreader.

  3. 📄 Spelling and grammar checks in word processors like Google Docs are a passive form of this. It's a small leap from highlighting errors to autonomously correcting them.

  4. 🖋️ While traditionally a human task, with extensive data, machines can handle it proficiently.


🗣️ "Voice recognition's rapid evolution: from 1952's speech-to-text to today's AI-powered transcription. 🎙️🤖"

  1. 🎙️ Voice-recognition algorithms have made significant strides in the past decade.

  2. 📈 Speech-to-text systems, dating back to 1952, have evolved with modern machine learning.

  3. 🤖 These systems can now transcribe human speech with remarkable accuracy and speed, thanks to vast datasets.

  4. 📝 Transcription is crucial for various industries like law and journalism, and it's likely that machines will soon handle the majority of it.

6) Graphic Designer

🎨 "Graphic design meets AI: From idea to final print, automation takes the lead. 🖼️💻"

  1. 😔 This one stings, but it's inevitable.

  2. 🎨 AI models can now generate images in various styles.

  3. 🖼️ Graphic design, governed by principles of color, composition, and readability, is the ideal playground for machine learning.

  4. 💡 Imagine inputting text and photos into an AI designer, which then generates multiple layout options for magazines, billboards, or visuals.

  5. 🖱️ Once the client selects a design, the software effortlessly prepares the content into a print-ready file.

  6. 🤷‍♂️ While the "imagination" factor may diminish, most design clients prioritize practicality over creativity.

7) Customer Service

☎️ "AI: The future of customer service? As technology advances, expect more bots on the line. 🤖📞"

  1. 🇺🇸 Complaining about customer service is like a national sport in America, whether dealing with outsourced agents or not even human.

  2. 🔊 As text-to-speech software gets better and faster, get ready to chat with artificial intelligence more frequently than humans over the phone.

  3. 💼 AI is way easier to expand than a call center, which can have unpredictable costs due to various external factors.

  4. 📞 We're already pros at navigating through endless voice menus when we call companies, so more AI interaction feels like the next natural step.

  5. 📊 The industry seems to be nodding in agreement.

8) Traders

💹 "AI reshaping finance: from Excel to advanced modeling, automation takes over. 🤖💼"

  1. 💼 Understanding financial markets' chaotic flow is challenging. Professionals at the top often rely on instinct and perception.

  2. 📊 Entry-level stock traders spend their time modeling predictions in Excel and managing data.

  3. 🤖 These tasks don't strictly need human intervention. AI could handle them more efficiently, reducing errors and enabling more complex modeling.

  4. 🚀 While a pipeline to senior roles remains essential, junior staff should prepare for AI to potentially replace them soon.

9) Writers

📝 "AI and the future of writing: from filling space to delivering information, automation is on the rise. 🤖📰"

  1. 📝 Not every writer will lose their job to AI. Generative AI isn't likely to produce a novel with profound human insights anytime soon.

  2. 🎨 However, much writing serves to fill space, satisfy search engines, or convey information.

  3. 💻 Media outlets are already using programs like ChatGPT to generate content, though it may not match human quality yet.

  4. 📈 If quantity matters more than quality to you, AI-generated content could be appealing.

  5. 🙏 Let's just hope AI didn't craft the words you're reading now.

Tools & Trends

🔍 Tools

  1. GPT Coding Wizard: Code a website (or anything) with just one sentence.

  2. Habit Mastery: Your habit-forming coach.

  3. OpenStorytelling Plus: Learn, create and craft compelling digital stories.

  4. ToonGPT: Turn one of your doodles into a high-quality cartoon illustration.

  5. HormoziGPT: An AI clone of Alex Hormozi, who will help you build your business and income online.

  • Data Science: The Future of Employment - Explore the growing demand for data science skills in today's job market.

  • AI-Powered Automation: Shaping Industries - Discover how AI is transforming industries and reshaping workforce dynamics.

  • LinkedIn Learning: Access a vast library of online courses to enhance your skills.

  • Coursera: Enroll in specialized courses offered by leading institutions to future-proof your career.

  • We at Think Ahead With AI help Business owners & Professional design AI roadmap, build AI workflow and integrate Generative AI in their business and careers with our Generative AI in Box Membership. “ DM” us to know more @joydeep.r[email protected]

News 📰

AI Poll

How do you think AI will impact your career prospects?

  • Positively, creating new opportunities for advancement

  • Negatively, leading to job displacement and insecurity

  • Unsure, still assessing the potential implications

"Embrace innovation, for in its wake, new opportunities arise, even as familiar roles fade into the annals of progress.”

: Sanjukta Chakrabortty

Why it matters & What you should do ?

  • Skill Enhancement and Upskilling:

    • Focus on AI-resistant skills: Embrace tasks emphasizing creativity, complex problem-solving, emotional intelligence, critical thinking, and interpersonal communication.

    • Stay Updated: Follow the newsletter's 'Tools & Trends' section and other related platforms to track ongoing AI developments.

    • Embrace Online Learning: Utilize resources like Think Ahead With AI online learning to acquire or polish skills aligned with future job markets.

  • Proactive Adaptation:

    • Assess Personal Vulnerability: If your position aligns with the 'Top 10 Jobs at Risk', focus on upskilling into hybrid job roles that leverage your domain expertise with growing AI proficiency.

    • Reimagine Your Role: Analyze the evolving responsibilities within your field due to AI. Proactively develop skills to transition into more strategic and AI-complementary tasks.

    • Experiment with AI tools: Get hands-on experience with the 'Tools' section's resources to see how they potentially reshape your industry.

  • Strategic Networking:

    • Build your 'AI Network': Connect with professionals focused on AI-related advancements, both within and outside your industry.

    • Engage in industry forums and conversations: Discuss how professionals across fields are navigating the integration of AI, gleaning actionable strategies.

Key Takeaways:

  • Change is Inevitable: Generative AI's transformative impact is undeniably underway. Acknowledgement precedes any productive response.

  • Optimism with Preparedness: The disruption creates significant opportunities, especially for those embracing upskilling and a "growth mindset."

  • AI as a Tool, Not a Threat: Cultivate an understanding of AI's capacity to augment your work rather than fear it entirely.

I'd also emphasize:

  • Continuous Learning: The nature of the 'future of work' will always evolve. Be prepared for ongoing and lifelong learning to navigate and succeed.

  • Collaboration, Not Competition The best responses to AI integration will involve productive collaboration with AI tools. View yourself as a conductor of new AI orchestras!

About Think Ahead With AI (TAWAI) 🤖

Empower Your Journey with Generative AI.

"You're at the forefront of innovation. Dive into a world where AI isn't just a tool, but a transformative journey. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or a curious learner, we're here to guide you."

Founded with a vision to democratize Generative AI knowledge,
Think Ahead With AI is more than just a platform.

It's a movement.
It’s a commitment.
It’s a promise to bring AI within everyone's reach.

Together, we explore, innovate, and transform.

Our mission is to help marketers, coaches, professionals and business owners integrate Generative AI and use artificial intelligence to skyrocket their careers and businesses. 🚀

TAWAI Newsletter By:

 Gen. AI Explorer

Sanjukta Chakrabortty
Gen. AI Explorer

“TAWAI is your trusted partner in navigating the AI Landscape!” 🔮🪄

- Think Ahead With AI (TAWAI)