Master the Art of Captivating YouTube Scripts 🎥

Crafting Videos That Hook Viewers from Start to Finish

Story Highlights

  • Learn the "Hook-Video Storytelling Script-CTA" framework

  • Craft attention-grabbing hooks to keep viewers watching

  • Master storytelling techniques to engage your audience

  • Write powerful CTAs that encourage bingeing your videos

Who, What, When, Where, Why? 🤔

  • Who: Content creators looking to uplevel their YouTube videos

  • What: A 3-step framework for scripting captivating videos

  • When: Anytime you need to script a video that hooks viewers

  • Where: Useful for all types of YouTube videos and genres

  • Why: To create videos that truly engage your audience from start to finish

Let me tell you a story about the power of a good script... 💫

You spend hours filming, editing, and uploading your YouTube video, only for it to fall flat. The views are mediocre, the engagement is lackluster. Why? Because you didn't have a solid script guiding that video.

A great script isn't just words on a page - it's a meticulously crafted experience that reels viewers in and keeps them watching raptly until the very end.

It's the difference between a lifeless, boring video and one that sparks curiosity, delivers value, and leaves your audience craving more.

That's where the "Hook-Video Storytelling Script-CTA" framework comes in. Think of it as your secret weapon for video success.

Mastering the Hook 🪝

You only have 5-10 seconds to hook viewers before they click away. So you need to:

  • Deliver on the video promise IMMEDIATELY

  • Identify the stakes - why should they care?

  • Assure you'll answer their burning questions

For example: "You can make $100K without lifting a finger? Sounds impossible, right? Well, there's a simple system one creator used to rake in that money while abandoning a 2 million subscriber channel. Want to know how?"

Weaving an Engaging Story 📖

The script itself should read like a page-turning story using techniques like:

✔️ Establishing clear context and characters ✔️ Alternating pacing to maintain interest

✔️ Incorporating familiar visuals for comforting familiarity ✔️ Following a 3-act structure with character growth

✔️ Introducing an insightful moral or revelation

Ending with a Powerful CTA ⬇️

Don't just end your video on a flat note. Instead, encourage binge-watching with a strategic call-to-action:

  1. Link to the current video

  2. Widen the curiosity gap

  3. Promise a specific benefit in your next video

For example: ”You know how they say the first impression is everything? Well in this video, I shared 5 tips for nailing your first impression when you meet someone new. But there's one crucial element I didn't cover that can make or break that interaction. Click the link to my next video to discover the #1 first impression hack nobody talks about.”

Here you go with the AI Prompt

Today we are going to apply the "Hook-Storytelling Video Script-CTA" framework.

# Task

Write a text script about [WHAT YOUR VIDEO IS ABOUT] following the step by step approach to generate Youtube video script with "Hook-Storytelling Video Script-CTA" Framework , Step 1 Hook, Step 2 Video Script with Story Telling Approach , Step 3 - CTA.

Step 1: Hook

Show IMMEDIATELY that you’re going to deliver on the promise of the title. Explain the concept of the video within 5-10 seconds. Identify the stakes and why the viewer should care. Assure the audience that you’re going to answer their questions. Total 20-25 seconds MAX.

For starters, I think of a hook like a 3-act story in itself.

And each act has a different aim.

There are usually 2-3 steps required to achieve each aim.

ACT > Aim > step

Here's how I thought about this to write this hook...

Act 1

Aim: play on the audience's desire (to make money), while tickling their curiosity (how?)

Step 1: Bold opening statement, including a shocking figure.

Step 2: Use of juxtaposition ("100k without lifting a finger" - seems impossible)

Act 2

Aim: make it relatable and achievable.

3/ Introduce the idea of a SYSTEM used to achieve it (more digestible)

4/ Relate it back to the audience ("could you imagine abandoning a 2m channel?")

Act 3

Aim: introduce the underlying stakes and segue into the content

5/ Asks a direct question.

6/ Opens another curiosity gap by introducing an element of fear (creates stakes).

7/ Eases us into the explanation using metaphor (which also delays giving away the "answer")

The video's hook looks like this:

1/ Bold opening statement.
2/ Juxtaposition.
3/ Assurance of achievability.
4/ Relate to the audience.
5/ Direct question.
6/ Introduce underlying stakes.
7/ Ease us into the explanation using metaphor.

Step 2 : Video Script Generation


This segment may not always be required. It might be useful/interesting/fun to start your video with a bunch of up-front context, or an amusing example which sets the scene for the value you’re going to follow up with. This should likely be no more than 30 seconds.

The main segment of the video. Ultimately, you will resolve the tension set up at the start and answer the big-picture question your audience has been presented with. To keep things interesting, you may ask and answer 2-3 additional mini-questions during the video which contribute to an understanding of the overall issue the video addresses. 

Story Telling Approach

“I Spent 100 Days In Grand Theft Auto” is an absolute masterclass in storytelling.

And the wildest thing?

The story is not interesting at all.

Here are 13 storytelling techniques

1/ Appeal to NOSTALGIA:

In the hook, Ryan evokes OUR earliest memories of playing GTA. He…

- Was way too young (like us)
- Immediately punched a guy, stole a bike, and drove it into a wall for no reason (like we did)

Ryan is *us*, returning to a childhood pleasure.

2/ Provides instant CONTEXT for the video:

- The length of a GTA day (interesting)
- How long he’ll be playing (delivers on title)
- The goal of the video (gets us hooked)

You NEVER want your audience to be confused, or they'll click away.

So Ryan tells us the rules.

3/ Initiates CURIOSITY LOOP by constraining his goals:

Overarching goal: BUY CONDO

By itself, not interesting.

Adds constraint: DO IT LEGALLY

Highly interesting.

Suddenly, the goal seems impossible. We want to know how he’ll achieve it.

4/ Creates URGENCY:

He visually represents time elapsing by pinning dollars to the wall.

These continue to appear even while he sleeps

So when he has only 9.4% of the cash with 60% of the time gone...

We keep watching because we want the tension resolved.

5/ Creates CHARACTERS:

By giving NPCs their own personalities, Ryan creates familiarity when we see them later, e.g.

- Kevin (”welcome to my store”) becomes Ryan’s best friend.
- CobraBubbles initially attacks Ryan, but then reappears during the crescendo as his heist partner.

6/ Alternates PACING:

We know retention hacks usually require constant motion.

But Ryan contrasts speedy editing with calmer moments.

e.g. when he finally buys his first car, he drives around in it doing nothing for a while.

It gives us time to enjoy the achievement with him.

7/ Establishes recurring HABITS:

Ryan repeats certain visual cues because familiar = comforting.

In this case:

- Seeing Kevin.
- Spinning the lucky wheel.
- Staring at the condo.

[We also see this in Ryan's penny series, e.g. McDonalds coffee, brushing teeth, theme tune, etc]

8/ Three Act STRUCTURE:

The video is split into three acts, as we witness his character’s decline.

- Act 1 - Aims to get condo, legally
- Act 2 - Becomes increasingly ok with breaking the law
- Act 3 - Gets condo, but realises he’s lost himself

Ryan takes us on a journey.

9/ Character GROWTH:

Ryan also goes on a personal journey:

He’s ecstatic about buying a car...

...until he wants a faster one.

He wants to get the condo legally...

...until ‘legally’ stops mattering.

He gets what he wants, but realises he was happier before.

10/ Creates a MORAL:

Yes, this video is a bit of fun. But it’s also about greed.

Ryan's money-making becomes increasingly dubious.

Gambling (legal)→Organised races (sketchy)→Gang shootouts (hard illegal)

And we reflect on the nature of greed and morality in the *real world*

11/ Poignant ANTICLIMAX:

Ryan finally gets the condo.

But his glum exclamation of “wow…big house” says it all.

We linger on some lonely shots of his character staring at the walls.

He was happier at the start.

We question our own place on the hedonic treadmill.

12/ Moment of REVELATION:

The video cuts more frequently between Ryan and his character.

We realise this video is not about the game, or even about Ryan.

It’s about us.

About the lengths we’ll go to to get what we want.

And what we stand to lose in the process.

13/ Introduce CLIFFHANGER:

The end of his video actually made me shiver.

We THINK he’s learned his lesson…

…that the condo was not worth the moral price…

…that we should be grateful for what we have.

Then the video ends on Ryan, now starting at a REAL condo.


1/ Appeal to NOSTALGIA
2/ Immediate CONTEXT
3/ Create URGENCY
6/ Alternate PACING
7/ Establish HABITS
9/ Character GROWTH
10/ Create MORAL
11/ Poignant ANTICLIMAX
12/ Moment of REVELATION

Step 3: CTA Connecting with Script Body 

The most effective CTA for growing your channel?

Getting the viewer to watch your next video.

The problem is... most creators don't know how to do this effectively.

Here's my 3-step formula for writing a killer CTA to keep people watching your content

I'm going to re-write one of your CTAs to illustrate this.

Here's the CTA for an excellent cooking video I'm reviewing this week.

But, if the aim is to convince the viewer to watch another video... we can make this 5x better...

this is the 3-step formula for an effective CTA...

Link -> Curiosity Gap -> CTA/Promise

1/ Set up a point that links to the current video.
2/ Widen the curiosity gap.
3/ Promise a specific transformation they'll experience by clicking the next video.

[LINK] I mentioned earlier that salting your food in advance can be extremely powerful.

[CURIOSITY GAP] But there's something else I've started doing recently that's had an even bigger impact on my cook.

[CTA / PROMISE] So check out this deep dive where I'll show you what it is and how you can use it to make your next meal more [desirable trait] than ever.


# Role

Act as an expert ghostwriter and video scriptwriter.

# Constraints

Avoid metaphors.
Avoid antithesis phrases.
Avoid purple prose AT ALL COSTS
Avoid words like "imagine, streamline, realm, game-changer, unlock, discover, skyrocket, abyss, vast, you're not alone, in a world where, revolutionize, etc"

# Writing Style

Write in the same style and tone as the EXAMPLE - plain and simple.

Take a deep breath and try your hardest. You got this.

"The human species thinks in metaphors and learns through stories." -

Mary Catherine Bateson

By mastering the "Hook-Video Storytelling Script-CTA" framework, you'll create videos that capture attention, engage viewers with stories they can't turn away from, and leave them eager for your next masterpiece. Get scripting!

Why It Matters & What Actions You Can Take 🚀

The "Hook-Video Storytelling Script-CTA" framework is powerful, but only if you apply it. Here's a playbook to start leveraging it today:

  • Analyze the hooks in your favorite YouTube videos - what makes them gripping?

  • Outline the narrative arcs and storytelling techniques employed in engaging videos

  • Write out multiple CTA options linking to your other videos, then pick the most curiosity-inducing version

  • For your next video script, intentionally incorporate each part of the framework

  • Refine your skills by studying analytics and viewer feedback on hooked vs unhooked videos

With thoughtful application of this framework, your videos will captivate viewers, keeping them hooked from the first second to the last. It's a game-changer for YouTube success!

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News: 📰🚨

About Think Ahead With AI (TAWAI) 🤖

Empower Your Journey With Generative AI.

"You're at the forefront of innovation. Dive into a world where AI isn't just a tool, but a transformative journey. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or a curious learner, we're here to guide you."

Founded with a vision to democratize Generative AI knowledge,
 Think Ahead With AI is more than just a platform.

It's a movement.
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It’s a promise to bring AI within everyone's reach.

Together, we explore, innovate, and transform.

Our mission is to help marketers, coaches, professionals and business owners integrate Generative AI and use artificial intelligence to skyrocket their careers and businesses. 🚀

TAWAI Newsletter By:

Joydeep Rakshit
Gen. AI Explorer
Co-Founder, Think Ahead With AI (TAWAI)

“TAWAI is your trusted partner in navigating the AI Landscape!” 🔮🪄

- Think Ahead With AI (TAWAI)