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  • "Why Selling Ice to an Eskimo is Outdated: The 5-Step Secret to Digital Sales Mastery" 🤯 🤖

"Why Selling Ice to an Eskimo is Outdated: The 5-Step Secret to Digital Sales Mastery" 🤯 🤖

Unpacking the genius behind knowing your customer’s every thought...almost! 🎯

Hello AI Enthusiasts 👋

Ever tried to gift someone a chocolate who’s on a diet? 😅 That's like trying to sell ice to an Eskimo in the digital age. 

Let’s dive into understanding this mystery.

Breaking the Ice (Pun Intended!) 🧊

In the good old days, being a charismatic salesperson might have involved selling sunscreen at the North Pole or, as they say, ice to Eskimos.

But today? Well, selling anything online requires being the Sherlock of customer needs. 🕵️

The Sales Mirage: 🚀

Imagine you're that person offering a piece of chocolate to someone on a diet. Oops! Just like that, an Eskimo doesn't need more ice. They’re looking for solutions to real challenges - like, you know, staying warm! In digital sales, getting it right 10% of the time means you’re missing the mark 90% of the time. Yikes!

Ask Yourself: 🤷

  1. Do your customers even know they have a problem that you can solve?

  2. If they do, are they aware your solution exists and rocks?

Missed the mark on these? Time to pivot that strategy, friend.

The Psychology Behind Clicking 'Buy Now' 🛍️

Enter the genius, Eugene Schwartz, the Da Vinci of copywriting. His 1966 classic, "Breakthrough Advertising," paints a Mona Lisa of the customer's journey:

  1. Unaware: Floating in a bubble of bliss 🧼

  2. Problem Aware: Uh-oh, something's not right! 🤔

  3. Solution Aware: I need something... but what? 🧐

  4. Product Aware: Ah-ha! This might just be it. 🎉

  5. Most Aware: Shut up and take my money! 💸

But how do we get them from 🧼 to 💸?

Playing Detective with Digital Tools 🕵️‍♀️

Unlocking the customer’s mind isn't about a psychic hotline. With the right tools, it’s easier than you think:

  • 📚 Educational Email Courses: Get insights quicker than a caffeine fix.

  • 📚 Diverse Content: Measure love through clicks and shares.

  • 📚 Direct Engagement: Slide into DMs or comments with a purpose.

  • 📚 AI Tools like ChatGPT: Embracing the Matrix and becoming Neo, sorta.

The goal? 

To know your customer like you know your bestie’s coffee order. ☕

Steering the Customer Ship 🚢

Navigate through:

  • 🎤 Unaware: "Did you know your content strategy might be leaking money?"

  • 🎤 Problem Aware: "All those hours on content, and no results?"

  • 🎤 Solution Aware: "What if you could supercharge your strategy in just a month?"

  • 🎤 Product Aware: "Our solution isn’t just any tool; it’s THE tool."

  • 🎤 Most Aware: "Special offer alert! Jump on board now and sail to success."

Quote: 📋

"The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself." - Peter Drucker

Seal the deal, folks, by understanding, not just by speaking louder. 🚀🎤⬇️

Train Chat GPT To Tailor Your Message For Your Customer’s Level Of Awareness 🤵

Now lets dive in and use Chat GPT to our advantage

Step 1: Ask ChatGPT to assume your target audience’s identity

This is a hack to get AI to “think” like your customer.

  • Are you targeting single mom’s? Tell ChatGPT to act like a single mom.

  • Are you targeting vegetarian’s? Tell ChatGPT to act like a plant-based eater.

  • Are you targeting DIY renovators? Tell ChatGPT to act like, what? DIY renovators!

Here’s the Prompt



Describe your situation for each of the 5 Stages of Customer Awareness: • Unaware • Problem aware • Solution aware • Product aware • Most aware

Write in a simple and clear tone using 1st person.

Avoid telling me what stage you are in. Avoid sensing words. Avoid emotional explaining. Avoid jargon. Avoid superlatives.

I need a highly specific, noun-oriented real lived moments in time about [TARGET AUDIENCE}.

Please use:

Specific actions or objects involved.

Detailed context or condition.

Clear goals or desired outcomes.

Any quantifiable metrics or standards.

Be as specific as you can about by price, problem, industry, location, situation, experience, and demographic.

Step 2: Review The Chat GPT Output

Step 3: Ask Chat GPT to write proven hooks using a customer quote

Here the Prompt

Turn my customer quote into 3 relevant hooks for each of the "5 Stage of Customer Awareness."

Focus on lived moments, real life examples, strong emotion, relatable experience, or numbers whe writing your hooks.

Quote =

Use a mix of the 6 most proven single-sentence openers for each hook.

1. Open with 1 strong, declarative sentence.
2. Open with a thought-provoking question.
3. Open with a controversial opinion.
4. Open with a moment in time.
5. Open with a vulnerable statement.
6. Open with a weird, unique insight.

No labels.
No jargon.

Step 4: Convert Your Hook ideas to Customer Targeting Messages for Social Media

Please convert each hook generated to resonating Customer Message resonating to each stage of Customer Awareness



Summer afternoons in Hyderabad can be unrelenting. Ever felt parched during those sweltering summer afternoons, searching for a drink that's not just another soda? Most tea shops don't realize the goldmine of opportunity waiting in the summer afternoons. Problem Aware

It was a routine: come in, complain about the heat, leave quickly. What if there was more to tea than just the regular chai during those scorching days? People say you can't fight the Hyderabad summer, but what if there's a way? Solution Aware

It's not just about quenching thirst; it's about rejuvenation. How can a drink revive, cool, and energize you all at once? Many beverages claim to refresh, but few truly rejuvenate. Product Aware

Every sip of the Detox Energiser tells a tale of carefully chosen ingredients. Have you tasted a drink where green tea meets mint with a hint of turmeric? It's rare for a drink to be as refreshing as it is beneficial. Most Aware

A sip of Detox Energiser is like finding an oasis in the middle of a desert. What if your afternoon tea could transport you to a cool, tranquil garden? I never realized a drink could change my summer afternoon experience until I tried the Detox Energiser."

Output 💻

Generative AI Tools To Enhance Learning 🤖

  1. 📧 OpenAI GPT-3: Utilize this tool for generating engaging educational content and personalized learning experiences.

  2.  📧 Canva: Create captivating visuals and infographics to make learning materials more appealing.

  3. 📧 Google Bard AI: Google Bard AI is a specific tool or technology related to generative AI for career enhancement.

  4. 📧 Microsoft Copilot: Microsoft Copilot is a notable generative AI tool that can be valuable for career enhancement, especially for software developers and programmers.

  5. 📧 Grammarly: Enhance your writing and communication skills with AI-driven suggestions.

News: 📰🚨

About Think Ahead With AI (TAWAI) 🤖

Empower Your Journey With Generative AI.

"You're at the forefront of innovation. Dive into a world where AI isn't just a tool, but a transformative journey. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or a curious learner, we're here to guide you."

Founded with a vision to democratize Generative AI knowledge,
 Think Ahead With AI is more than just a platform.

It's a movement.
It’s a commitment.
It’s a promise to bring AI within everyone's reach.

Together, we explore, innovate, and transform.

Our mission is to help marketers, coaches, professionals and business owners integrate Generative AI and use artificial intelligence to skyrocket their careers and businesses. 🚀

TAWAI Newsletter By:

Joydeep Rakshit
Gen. AI Explorer
Co-Founder, Think Ahead With AI (TAWAI)

“TAWAI is your trusted partner in navigating the AI Landscape!” 🔮🪄

- Think Ahead With AI (TAWAI)