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"🤯 Are You Using ChatGPT All Wrong? These 5 Hacks Say You Might Be!"

Master these pro-level frameworks and watch your AI game go from 🤷‍♂️ to 🤩 in no time!

Hello AI Enthusiasts 👋

So, you fancy yourself an AI enthusiast, but if you’re not using these five prompt hacks with ChatGPT, you might just be an amateur in disguise. 😅 

Let's level you up!

Greetings, Generative AI Fanatics! 🎉

Ever been locked in a staring contest with ChatGPT, waiting for inspiration to strike?

You're not alone. If you've ever felt like you’re chatting with your moody cat 🐱 more than a sophisticated AI, you're in for a treat.

Five Game-Changing Prompt Frameworks You Didn't Know You Needed:

1. The RTF Framework

R- Role

T- Task

F- Format

What’s the Deal?

Think of RTF as the Swiss Army knife of AI prompts—useful anywhere, anytime.

How to Use:

“Pretend you're [role]. Whip up a [task] in [format] style."

E.g. "Channel your inner seasoned life coach vibes. I need a plan for work-life balance in a table."

Role: Seasoned Life Coach with 20 years of experience. 

Task: Construct a comprehensive plan for achieving work-life balance. 

Format: Table.

Combining the elements above, we get:

"Act as a seasoned life coach with 20 years of experience. Create a comprehensive plan to achieve work-life balance presented in a table format."

This prompt structure ensures:

Role Definition: By specifying the role of a 'seasoned life coach with 20 years of experience', you're guiding the AI to assume the identity and expertise of a professional with deep knowledge and experience in work-life balance.

Task Clarity: By clearly stating that the task is to 'create a comprehensive plan', you ensure the AI understands the core objective.

Format Specification: By requesting the output in a 'table format', you're setting clear expectations about how the information should be structured, allowing for easy interpretation and action.

Following the RTF framework ensures that prompts are precise, actionable, and yield results in the desired format.

Why You'll Love It:

Want strategies for that ever-elusive work-life balance? 

This framework has got you. 🤓

2. Chain of Thought

What’s the Deal?

This is for those who appreciate a step-by-step walkthrough. We’re looking at all the IKEA furniture assemblers out there. 🪑

How to Use:

“[Your task]. But let’s break it down, step-by-step.”

E.g. "Wanna help me boost my sales calls? Break it down for me."

Task: Improving the effectiveness of marketing campaigns for a newly launched tech product.

"Looking to make my marketing campaigns more effective for a new tech product. Can you break it down step-by-step for me?"

In this prompt:

We've clearly mentioned the Task, which is to improve the effectiveness of marketing campaigns for a tech product.

The phrase "break it down step-by-step" instructs the AI to provide a methodical, structured response, breaking down the process into actionable steps.

The Chain of Thought Framework encourages the AI to think through problems systematically, ensuring a thorough and comprehensive approach to any challenge.

Why You'll Love It:

Craving a detailed game plan?

This will be your go-to. 📈


What’s the Deal?

Perfect for when you have that mammoth task and no clue where to start.

How to Use:

"Role: [AI’s vibe] Main Task: [Your big ask] Steps: [Your mini-steps] Goal: [Dream result] Constraints: [Keep in this lane]"

R - Role I - Instructions G - Goal (End Goal) H - How-to (Steps) T - Trim (Narrowing)

So, the new acronym would be RIGHT.

For instance, using the RIGHT framework:

Role: AI as a financial consultant

Instructions: Help me create a budget plan.

Goal: Save 20% of my monthly income.

How-to: List step-by-step actions to allocate funds.

Trim: Focus primarily on necessary expenses and minimizing luxury or non-essential purchases.

This gives a clear directive to the AI while being easy to remember for the user.


Role: You are an expert digital course builder who has sold millions in online courses.

Instructions: I need a comprehensive, yet concise guide on what to include in my AI course and strategies to maximize revenue.

Goal: To equip me with a clear list of essential content for the course and actionable growth marketing strategies.


1. Begin by detailing general principles every digital course must encapsulate.
2. Progress to specifics around what makes an AI course stand out.
3. Conclude with the most effective growth marketing tactics for online courses.


- Please be concise, keeping the entire output under 500 words.
- Sidestep technical jargon, aiming for clarity.
- Ensure every point is actionable.

This prompt is designed to be clear, concise, and directive, enabling the AI to produce an effective and efficient response.

Why You'll Love It:

It’s like having a personal assistant who anticipates your every need. 🤖💼


What’s the Deal?

Got examples? This is where they shine!

How to Use:

DOERS. Here's how the acronym stands:

Details: [Tiny specifics] Objective: [Your goal] Examples: [Show and tell] Role: [AI’s hat] Sense Check: [AI, did you get it?]

D - Details:

You are crafting a tweet.

Limit your tweet to 280 characters.

Use language that's both engaging and compelling.

Avoid using hashtags or emojis.

The topic is the essence and effectiveness of Marketing.

O - Objective: Your main aim is to craft a tweet designed to go viral, resonating with audiences and prompting them to engage or share.

E - Examples: To give you an idea of the tone and style:

"Sleep is the unsung hero of productivity. Master your sleep cycle, and you master your day."

"Ever feel like you're shouting into the void online? Here's the secret to being heard."

"They say first impressions last a lifetime. In the digital world, you've got 3 seconds. Make them count."

R - Role: Channel your inner seasoned copywriter. You're working on a tweet for a Marketing expert that's set to be the crown jewel of their upcoming campaign. Your work can massively influence their brand's standing.

S - Sense Check: Before you proceed, are you clear on the nuances of this task, the style required, and the overarching goal of creating a tweet that stands out and potentially goes viral?

Let's see what the AI would come up with based on this prompt.

Why You'll Love It:

Let's just say if AI prompts were recipes,DOERS would be your gourmet dish! 🍲

Recycle and refine. Give content, get feedback, tweak, and repeat!

5. Chain of Density

What’s the Deal?

For the perfectionists who know the magic happens in the edits.

How to Use:

Prompt Template

Context: I'm providing you with [insert content type, e.g., "an article snippet"], which I believe can be enhanced. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to supercharge this content through iterative improvements.

Input Content: "[Insert content you want to improve here]"

Iterative Process: Embrace the power of recursion. The goal? To push the envelope and produce increasingly richer versions of the content provided. Here’s the game plan:

Recursion Steps:

Diagnostic Review: After studying the existing output, pinpoint 1-3 aspects that are lacking, be it clarity, detail, or any other nuance.

Refinement: Take the initial or last improved output and craft a newer version. This iteration should be of the same length but should incorporate the points identified as missing.

Iterations: This diagnostic and refinement dance will be repeated 5 times. So, the final output will be the product of 5 cycles of analysis and enhancement.

Quality Benchmarks: To guide this process, here's what's generally considered to be top-tier for [insert content type, e.g., "an article snippet"]:

[Insert benchmark info or qualities of an ideal piece]

Additional Directives:

Always consider the following specific guidelines during your iterations:

[Insert specific guidelines or preferences here]

End Goal: At the end of this Chain of Density exercise, the aim is to have a version that is the epitome of [insert content type] in terms of richness, clarity, and effectiveness.

Use this template for detailed guidance through the Chain of Density process to extract the most value out of your content.

Prompt Example

Context: I am providing you with an initial Instagram caption idea for my organic skincare brand: "Discover the magic of nature with our new [product name]. 🌿 Your skin deserves the best."

You will undertake the challenge to generate successively enriched versions of this caption.
Recursion Process: Harness the art of iterative enhancements:

Diagnostic Review: After assessing the most recent output, spot 1-3 elements that seem underrepresented or could be made clearer.

Enhancement: With the most recent caption in mind (whether it's the initial or one of the subsequent iterations), craft an updated version. The new caption should be of approximately the same length but must encapsulate the elements identified in the diagnostic review.

Iterations: Commit to this review-enhancement routine for a total of 5 rounds. By the end, the resulting caption should be the crème de la crème of Instagram captions.

Caption Excellence Benchmarks: To assist your iterations, here are attributes of stellar Instagram captions for our brand:

Authenticity: Maintain the genuine essence of our organic brand. Avoid sounding overly commercial.

Engagement: Captions should be interactive or elicit some form of emotion or action.

Brand Voice: Stay consistent with our calm, nurturing, and eco-conscious brand persona.

Clear Call to Action: Whether it's checking out the product, leaving a comment, or simply double-tapping, guide the audience toward the desired action.

Additional Directives:

Emojis are welcome, but use them judiciously to enhance the message, not clutter it.

Remember the power of storytelling. Even in a short caption, try to create a mini narrative or evoke a visual.

End Goal: By the closure of this Chain of Density exercise, we aim to obtain a caption that not only highlights our product but also resonates deeply with our audience, compelling them to interact.

You can now use this template to guide the AI through the Chain of Density process for the specified task.

Why You'll Love It:

Think of this as the beauty filter for your content. Who doesn’t love a good glow-up? ✨

Parting Thoughts:

If ChatGPT was a car, these frameworks are your custom upgrades. Don’t be the person stuck with the base model while others are cruising with the premium package. 😉

Quote to Muse Over:

"In the world of AI, the quickest way to sophistication is simplicity." - Anonymous AI Lover

#HappyPrompting! 🚀

Generative AI Tools To Enhance Learning 🤖

  1. 📧 Beacon 2.0 — AI-powered all-in-one platform for creator-based businesses.

  2.  📧 Shiny — collection of tutorials to build, create, design, and more with AI.

  3. 📧 Orba: Convert your web visitors with personalized AI conversations

  4. 📧 ShortVideoGen: A simple text-to-video generator with audio

  5. 📧 Nexa.ai: Instant AI product & model photography at studio quality

News: 📰🚨

About Think Ahead With AI (TAWAI) 🤖

Empower Your Journey With Generative AI.

"You're at the forefront of innovation. Dive into a world where AI isn't just a tool, but a transformative journey. Whether you're a budding entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or a curious learner, we're here to guide you."

Founded with a vision to democratize Generative AI knowledge,
 Think Ahead With AI is more than just a platform.

It's a movement.
It’s a commitment.
It’s a promise to bring AI within everyone's reach.

Together, we explore, innovate, and transform.

Our mission is to help marketers, coaches, professionals and business owners integrate Generative AI and use artificial intelligence to skyrocket their careers and businesses. 🚀

TAWAI Newsletter By:

Joydeep Rakshit
Gen. AI Explorer
Co-Founder, Think Ahead With AI (TAWAI)

“TAWAI is your trusted partner in navigating the AI Landscape!” 🔮🪄

- Think Ahead With AI (TAWAI)